Support and visualization of new objecttype object type ‘Newspaper’
In addition to the current object types collections ‘collections’ and items‘items’, we now support new object types: newspapers‘newspapers’, newspaper pages and media objects‘newspaper pages’ and ‘media objects’. These are visualised hierarchically in MediaHaven, allowing you to easily navigate from a newspaper to the underlying pages and from the page to the underlying media objects. Describing, submitting, publishing and downloading these object types is also possible and this works the same way as regular object types.
The interface of MediaHaven2.0 and all extra portals/modules can now be displayed in German in addition to Dutch, French and English.
Hide some metadata fields or disable to edit metadata fields for specific roles
From this release, metadata fields can be hidden or can be configured as not editable for certain roles. For example, you can ensure that certain metadata may be seen by all users, but editing those fields is only allowed for content managers or admin users. This requires a change in the configuration of your metadata fields. If you want to use this functionality, please contact our support/services team.
Stability and performance of the system