The advanced search functionality is now available on the public portal.Status colour Yellow title Public portal
We have improved different aspects of the security of our platform.Status colour Blue title Security
Bug fixes
[MH2.0] If a specific upload fails, it does not longer block additional uploads (after some timeout) and logging out clears the download list again. This improves the performance of our system. This was fixed in the 23.3 and 23. 4 versions.[MH Videoplayer] Export an audio file in the videoplayer with different container than the original audio file is fixed. This was fixed in the 23.3 and 23.4 versions.
[MH2.0] You can now use the ‘Load more’ functionality multiple times when viewing the thesaurus structure during editing. This bug was fixed in the 23.2, 23.3 and 23.4 versions.
[MH2.0] Users are now redirected to MediaHaven after logging out and login again. This bug was fixed in the 23.2, 23.3 and 23.4 versions.
[MH2.0] The correct file format is now used when downloading a file from MediaHaven with extension MXF, TIFF, Docx and MP3. Before this fixedfix, these downloads had the extension ‘File’. This was also fixed in the 23.3 version.
[MH2.0] With the implementation of Kubernetes (for zero downtime upgrades and patches), the auto redirect functionality when using single sign on did not work. This is fixed in the 23.3 and 23.4 version
[MH2.0] The Google maps integration was fixed because the map view did not work correctly. This is fixed in the 23.3 and 23.4 version.
[MH2.0] Some of our customers have experienced a problem with receiving tasks for objects that were uploaded in a zone that the user was not part of. This problem is fixed in different versions, from 23.2 until 24.1.
[MH2.0] The dropdown behind the metadata field ‘Authors’ displayed too many options. This has been fixed in versions 23.3, 23.4 and 24.1.
[MH2.0] The user does not longer get stuck after using the password reset functionality. This has been fixed in versions 23.3, 23.4 and 24.1.
[MH Videoplayer] Export an audio file in the videoplayer with a different container than the original audio file is fixed. This was fixed in the 23.3 and 23.4 versions.
[MH Videoplayer] The error that was thrown when a user opened the extended media player is now fixed. This means the extended media player is available again from versions 23.3.
[Import module] Uploading an asset of 20MB via the import module is fixed. The asset is now correctly uploaded and you can proceed the flow of the import project.