Warning |
This release is currently under development and content of this page is subject to change without notice. |
MediaHaven has a wide variety of metadata fields. This table list various information about these fields.
Key / Sub Key: The name of the field as it appears the metadata XML and JSON
Format: extra information about the format of the value, see Metadata Concepts for more information about the used terms
Read-only: This field cannot be modified in the user interface or API calls
Search: When performing a search query APIs you must use the flattened key, for example
+Title:"Breaking News!" +KeywordsKeyword:Politics
Searchable: In the MediaHaven REST API you can search and sort on thie field
Descriptive Fields
Descriptive fields are modifiable fields that describe files for purposes such as discovery.
Key | Sub Key | Description | Format | Read-only | Searchable |
| The title of the file |
| Description about the file |
| The date and time the file was originally created |
| The name of the (copyright) owner of the file | ||||
| A description about how the file can or can not be disseminated. | ||||
| Series of keywords about the file | ListField | |||
| Sub field of |
| Series of categories about the file | ListField | |||
| Sub field of |
| Publisher of the file | ||||
| A list of various authors of the file | MulitItemField | |||
| Sub field of |
| Address of corresponding with the Location | MulitItemField | |||
| Sub field of |
| GPS coordinates corresponding with the | ||||
| List of locations where the file is published |
| |||
| Sub field of | |||
| The name of the file as it was ingested into MediaHaven |
| The name of the user that uploaded the file |
| By default the the field | frames (using a fictitious 25 fps) |
Administrative Fields
Anchor | ||||
Administrative Fields are human readable read-only fields which are used for managing and preserving files in MediaHaven.
Key | DigiHaven / |
MediaHaven 2.0 | Description | Format | Read-only | Searchable |
| The name of the organisation to which the file belongs |
| The date and time when the file was last edited | ISO-8601 |
| The ID of the file in an external platform. This field is only for advanced installations. |
| The date and time the file was ingested |
| The type of the file (e.g. image, document, page, image, layer, newspaperpage, article, video, videofragment, audio, audiofragment, set, collection, newspaper, metadataonly) |
| The name of the department that published the file |
| Describes through which workflow a file was ingested (if applicable) |
| Describes on which ingest tape the file was provided (if applicable) |
| Indicates whether or not this file or fragment has been synchronized from another MediaHaven. | 0 or 1 |
| When this file has been sychronized from another MediaHaven, this URL refers to file in the web site of the original MediaHaven. | URL |
| Indicates if the file is an original file | 0 or 1 |
| Yes | Indicates if the file is valid for preservation means | 0 or 1 |
| Yes | Indicates if the file is valid for access means | 0 or 1 |
| Yes | The type of the record. |
| Yes | The status of the record (e.g. but not limited to New or Published) |
| External id of the organisation to which the file belongs. |
| The full name of an organisation including white space and punctuation |
| Yes | The date and time the file was published |
Technical Fields
Anchor | ||||
Technical fields are predominantly read-only fields whose values are inherent to data file itself. (Re)-ingesting the file, possibly in a different MediaHaven, will result in exactly the same values.
Key | Description | Format | Read-only | Searchable |
| The extension of the file as it was ingested into MediaHaven |
| The size of the file in bytes |
| The MD5 checksum of the file |
| The mime type of the file, e.g. image/jpg |
| The Pronom ID is a file identification mechanism developed by the National Archives |
| The width of the file | pixels |
| The height of the file | pixels |
| Width times height, e.g 1920x1080 | pixels times pixels |
| The quality of the image |
| The orientation of the image |
Time codes
Key | Description | Format | Read-only | Searchable |
| The duration of the media file | HH:mm:ss.SSS |
| The start time of the media file | HH:mm:ss.SSS |
| The end time of the media file | HH:mm:ss.SSS |
| The duration of the media file, expressed in frames against a fictitious 25 frames per second, e.g. 0000000025 | frames (using a fictitious 25 fps) |
| The start time of the media file, expressed in frames against a fictitious 25 frames per second, e.g. 0000000025 | frames (using a fictitious 25 fps) |
| The end time of the media file, expressed in frames against a fictitious 25 frames per second, e.g. 0000000025 | frames (using a fictitious 25 fps) |
Anchor | ||||
Key | Description | Format | Read-only | Searchable |
| Description about the video encoding of the file |
| Frames per second of the video in the file | frames per second (fps) |
| Average bit rate of the video in the file | bits per second (bps) |
| Description about the audio encoding of the file |
| Total number of audio channels in the file, if the file has multiple audio tracks, this is the cumulative sum over all tracks |
| Sample rate of the first audio track in the file | Hz |
| Total average bitrate of all audio tracks | bits per second (bps) |
| The amount of audio tracks in the file |
| Total average bit rate of the container (includes video and audio) | bits per second (bps) |
MXF Video
Key | Description | Format | Read-only | Searchable |
| Number of edit units to skip at the start of the source video codec before the logical of start of the essence | frames |
| File offset to the first partition containing essence | bytes |
| bytes |
| File offset to the first KLV in the file, typically | bytes |
| Number of frames per edit unit | frames |
| Number of edit units per second, if | fraction |
| Advanced MXF feature, stored for future usage | fraction |
Internal Fields
Anchor | ||||
Internal fields are read-only metadata fields proper to MediaHaven and often not a human readable format opposed to the administrative fields.
Key | Description | Remark | Read-only | Searchable | ||||
MediaObjectId | The unique identifier of the file | 64 characters |
FragmentId | The unique identifier of the fragment of the file | 96 characters |
| Status of the validation and ingest of the file |
| Status of the creation of the preview of the file |
| The possible values are documented here: Ingest Monitoring |
| The ID of the organisation to which the file belongs to. The administrative field |
| The ID of the ingest space the file belongs or belonged to | UUID |
| Whether the file still belongs to an ingest space | 0 or 1 |
| The user ID of the user that uploaded the file, the administrative field | UUID |
| uuid of the department the file was published with, the administrative field | UUID |
| Indicates whether or not the file is the main fragment or non-main fragment (i.e. page of a document, videofragment of a video) | 0 or 1 |
| Indicates whether or not the the file has a series of keyframes (applicable to documents, multi-page images, video and audio) | 0 or 1 |
| Indicates whether or not the file has geolocation data associated to it | 0 or 1 |
Anchor | ||||
Key | Sub Key #1 | Sub Key #2 | Description | Remark | Read-only |
| List of browse formats generated for the file | ComplexField |
| Description of a single browse format of the file | MapField |
| Unique label of this browse format |
| Extension of the container of this browse, e.g. jpg, mp4 |
| URL to the path containing the files associated with this browse format |
| Relative path to the main still image of the file. Prefix with |
| Relative path to the main still image of the file (thumb version). Prefix with |
| Relative path to the video preview of the file. Prefix with |
| File size of the | bytes |
| Width of the preview (P | pixels |
| Height of the preview (P | pixels |
| ... | All keys available under the item #Video on this same page |
Anchor | ||||
Key | Sub Key | Description | Remark | Read-only | Searchable |
| List of distribution channels where the file has been distributed to | ListField |
| Provides information about a single channel in the form of <protocol>:<ID>, e.g. jwplayer:bZZVWxol | protocol:id |
Anchor | ||||
Key | Sub Key | Sub Key #2 | Description | Remark | Read-only | Searchable |
Tasks | List of tasks active for this record | ComplexField |
Tasks | Task | Provides information about a single task | MapField |
Tasks | Task | Id | Unique |
ID of this task | SimpleField |
Tasks | Task | TypeName |
Type of |
task (human readable) | SimpleField |
Tasks | Task | TypeId |
Type of task | SimpleField |
Tasks | Task | ProcessName | Name of the process this task belongs to | SimpleField |
Tasks | Task | ProcessId | The |
ID of the process this task belongs to | SimpleField |
Tasks | Task | AssigneeUserId |
ID of the assigned user | SimpleField |
Tasks | Task | AssigneeUserLogin | Login of the assigned user | SimpleField |
Tasks | Task | AssigneeFunction | Function necessary to complete this task | SimpleField |
Tasks | Task | CreationDate | Date on which this task was created | DateField |
Tasks | Task | DueDate | This task should be completed before this date | DateField |
Structural Fields
Structural fields provide how compound files such as collections are put together or how files are related between each other. Three categories exist: Fragments, Ensembles and Relations.related between each other. Three categories exist: Fragments, Ensembles and Relations.
Record Tree
New since 20.3
Key | Sub Key | Description | Remark | Read-only | Searchable |
| Contains the full line of ancestors. More info /wiki/spaces/CS/pages/2291466251 |
| |||
Key | Sub Key | Description | Remark | Read-only | Searchable |
| Series of fragments belonging to this file. The main fragment which corresponds to the file itself (i.e. the entire video) is non contained in this series, hence this list is empty if the file contains no pure (= non main) fragments. | ListField |
| Sub field of | FragmentId |
| For a pure fragment, this refers the | SimpleField |
| The start time of a fragment, relative to the start of the media file, expressed in frames against a fictitious 25 frames per second | frames (using a fictitious 25 fps) |
| The end time of a fragment, relative to the start of the media file, expressed in frames against a fictitious 25 frames per second | frames (using a fictitious 25 fps) |
| The duration of a fragment, expressed in frames against a fictitious 25 frames per second | frames (using a fictitious 25 fps) |
| The start time of a fragment, relative to the start of the media file | HH:mm:ss.SSS |
| The end time of a fragment, relative to the start of the media file | HH:mm:ss.SSS | |||
| The duration of a fragment | HH:mm:ss.SSS |
Key | Sub Key | Description | Remark | Read-only | Searchable |
| Provides structural information about the chain versions of the same logical file. Each record in the chain is a separate record itself with its own MediaObjectId / FragmentId. All records in the chain have the same Versioning > Id. | MapField |
| Status | Untracked for records without versioning, otherwise possible values are Draft, Head, Rejected, Tail. | EnumField |
| Has the same value for an entire versioning chain; its value is the MediaObjectId of the first record in the chain (with Version = 1). | SimpleField |
| Positional index in the chain of versions, starting from Version 1. | LongField |
Key | Sub Key | Description | Remark | Read-only | Searchable |
| Series of collections the file belongs to | ListField |
| Sub field of |
| Series of sets the file belongs to | ListField |
| Sub field of |
| Series of newspapers the file belongs to | ListField |
| Sub field of |
Key | Sub Key | Description | Remark | Read-only | Searchable |
| Series of files related with this file. Depending on your installation different sub fields of | MultiItemField |
| Sub field of | FragmentId |
| Sub field of | FragmentId |
| Sub field of | FragmentId |
| Sub field of | FragmentId |
| Sub field of | FragmentId |
Rights Management Fields
Anchor | ||||
Rights management fields provide information about who can access, edit or export files.
Key | Sub Key | Description | Remark | Read-only | Searchable |
| The different permissions associated with the file | MultiItemField | |||
| Sub field of | UUID |
| Sub field of | UUID |
| Sub field of | UUID |
| The date the file will expire (at this date the file will be assigned new rights). This field is only for advanced installations. |
| Whether or not the file is expired. This field is only for advanced installations. |
Changes versus /wiki/spaces/CS/pages/1595408491
New administrative fields
RecordStatus and
Removed column sortable because all searchable fields are now sortable
New metadata family
and its first fieldTasks
category workflowsStructural field: