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Work in progress |
Zeticon is proud to present version 21.2 of the Mediahaven platform. Please read more info about the new functionalities, improvements and fixed bugs below.
We have further developed our Mediahaven 2.0 product in which we're redesigning Mediahaven in cooperation with our customers. We’ve continued the development of following functionalities:
A thesaurus is a hierarchical structure where you can indicate translations and synonyms to each concept of the structure. With the introduction of this functionality, it will be easier to describe objects with the right information from the predefined structure.
The thesaurus functionality contains the following features:
Link branches of the hierarchical structure to a specific metadata field.
You can choose whether this field should be a single or multi select field.
You can choose if you want to display the underlying values for a specific metadata field. This helps the person who’s adding metadata to indicate the right value.
The end users are able to search on the terms of this hierarchical structure.
This can be done in the general searchbar and in the advanced search functionality.
It’s also possible to search on the translations of the concepts in the hierarchical structure.
A full explanation of this functionality can be found here: [21.2] - Thesaurus
Public portal
Mediahaven2.0 is intended to be a back-end application in which items can be uploaded and managed. In the 21.2 release we developed a basic public portal in which the uploaded items from Mediahaven2.0 can be shown to the public.
Non registered users can use the public portal for following functionalities:
Search with a general searchbar for public items and/or collections in the portal.
Use filters to search and find the right public items and/or collections.
View a specific set of metadata for the item or collection you’re looking for.
Download the preview or lower resolution of the item(s) you’re looking for.
Upload items by using a configured project of the import module.
A full manuel manual of the public portal can be found here: ……….. [21.2] - Publieksportaal
It’s now possible to add a location to an object by selecting a point on a map. The selected point is converted to GPS coordinates and an associated address.
We’ve introduced autocomplete functionality on SimpleFields. For example, when the user starts to typ type in the default field ‘Album’, the system gives suggestions of values that are already present in that field.
The classifications are now linked to user groups. This allows that a certain classification can only be viewed and used by some of the users in the organisation.
.CR3 is an upcoming popular CANON raw image format used by camera's. Since the MediaHaven 21.2 release, we support the generation of previews for .CR3 files.
We’ve restyled the import module so that it has the same look&feel of the Mediahaven2.0 interface. The new manuel manual of the import module can be found here: [21.2] - Import module.
We’ve introduced the functionality to generate the preview of an asset on demand by using the rest-api.
After feedback from our customers who tested Mediahaven2.0, we’ve introduced some improvements.
We’ve improved the load performance of our system:
When uploading multiple items, the system has now more space for other requests.
When the title of an object is abbreviated on a certain page, it’s now possible to see the full name by a tooltip.
We’ve made the size of our thumbnails smaller so that our users see more objects at a glance in the grid views of MH2.0
We don’t longer show two times the same action when there is a task on that specific object.
We’ve improved the error message when the preparation of an export has failed.
Modifications to the collectionflowcollection flow
Adding items to a collection of a different classification resulted in problems with the evaluation flow, therefore we decided to don’t allow items in a collection with a different classification.
When adding items to a collection, we show the published & submitted collections and collections with a different classification of the selected items as disabled. The tooltip tool tip will explain the user why these collections are disabled.