Zeticon is proud to present version 22.1 of the MediaHaven platform. Please read more info about the new functionalities, improvements and fixed bugs below.

Mediahaven 2.0 features

In cooperation with our customers, we keep enhancing our MediaHaven 2.0 product. We’ve continued the development of following functionalities:

User profile: view and modify user preferences

From now on, each user in MH2.0 can consult their own user profile. He/she has the possibility to change personal information such as first name, last name, email and language. In addition, personal preferences can be set such as default view, number of results per page, default sorting, default ingest zone and classification.

Unlike the earlier management module, in MH2.0 no refresh needs to be performed to apply the changes. In fact, after saving the changes are automatically applied. Attention, only when changing the language, it is best to perform a hard refresh via CTRL F5 to make sure that all parts of the interface are translated.

Share on social media

From now on, it is possible to share an item or collection on different social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, … . Only published objects to which the group ‘Public’ has read permission can be shared on social media. We don’t upload the item but we share a link and preview to the read-only page of the respective item in MediaHaven.

Trash can

When a user deletes one or more objects, they end up in the trash can. An admin user with a specific user function can access the trash can. Deleted objects can be permanently deleted manually, but they are also automatically deleted after 6 months.

Register new users

From the public portal and from the MediaHaven login page, a new user can fill in a form to register himself as a new user of the system. This form is forwarded as a task to a user within MediaHaven who has the function to complete a user registration. Both when the registration is approved and when it is rejected, the requester will receive an email. Once the registration is approved, the new user can log in and has the same permissions as the default organization settings. Unless the evaluator has already adjusted permissions through the management module.


The full documentation of MH2.0 can be found here: MediaHaven 2.0

The full documentation of MH2.0 can be found here: MediaHaven 2.0


After feedback from our customers who tested Mediahaven2.0, we’ve introduced some improvements.

Bug fixes