Field Definitions

Field Definitions

Field definitions have the following properties which must adhere to certain Field Definition Restrictions.








Describes the family to which the field belongs → Metadata Families



  • The name of the field

  • The keys are case sensitive

  • The Key of the top fields are unique (case insensitive)


Dotted Key

  • Primary key of a field definition

  • Composed by concatenating the following pieces with a dot .

    • Family

    • ParentDottedKey

    • Key

  • The descriptive field Keyword has as dotted key Descriptive.Keywords.Keyword

The dotted key is the reference format for the MediaHaven REST API 2.0


Parent dotted key

  • Foreign key reference to the dotted key of the parent



  • Means that the field definition has no parent and hence that the ParentDottedKey is undefined. 

  • Each record consists of a list of top fields whose key is unique.


Sub / Child

  • Field(s) (definitions) can be nested inside other field(s) (definitions)

  • Such nested field(s) definitions are called sub or child field(s) (definitions) and have a parent field (definition). See Complex Fields.


Flattened Key

A sub field cannot be uniquely determined by its own key because the key for sub fields is not unique across all fields. By concatenating the key of the parent field(s) with the key of the sub field, you obtain a unique flattened key. For example the field Keywords with sub field Keyword, yields a flattened key KeywordsKeyword.

Deprecated: The flattened key is allowed in the MediaHaven REST API 2.0 but the dotted key is the preferred format


Lucene Key

  • Name of the field in Lucene. For legacy reasons it can differ significantly from the key of the field.

  • From 18.1 the REST API allows for using the field key instead of the Lucene key in queries. For sub fields you must use the flattened key. This allows for bypassing the legacy Lucene keys.

  • From 19.1: the Lucene key always corresponds with the flattened key

Obsoleted: The Lucene key is no longer allowed in the MediaHaven REST API 2.0



If true, this field will always be present for every record with a non empty value.


Read Only

The value of this field cannot be changed using metadata updates.


Write Once

  • Field can only be filled out once from empty to its final value

  • Subsequent changes to the value are ignored

  • Only allowed on top fields



  • If true, make the field searchable in the index

  • Note: a field can be present in the index without being indexed.



When using the standard search, it searches in a hidden virtual field which contains as value a join of all fields marked as global


Advanced Search

If true, make it available in the advanced search. Requires the field to be indexed.



Informally speaking, tokenizing means splitting the string value of the field on white space in tokens. Requires the field to be indexed.

For example the field Description with value "Alice Bob Cedric" is split into the ordered tokens "Alice", "Bob" and "Cedric".

The file can matched in the index:

  • using these tokens separately: +Description:Cedric +Description:Alice

  • in a specific order: +Description:"Bob Cedric"

  • note: +Description:"Alice Cedric" will not match

The tokenizing goes further by additionally removing stop words (the, and, of, etc) and performing stemming (the words runs, run, running, ran all match).



  • Only field marked as sortable can be requested for sorting in the REST API

  • When the field is multi valued, e.g. Descriptive.Keywords.Keyword = A, B then only the first value A will be used for the sort

  • Multi valued textual fields are stored alphabetically



Describe the type of the field definition → Metadata Field Types



Regular expression used to validate the value of the when saving a record. Only applies to https://mediahaven.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CS/pages/2978250852.


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