KeySign Connector Report - JSON debugging

KeySign Connector Report - JSON debugging


KeySign Connector does not work as expected. This could have several different causes.

Go to https://connector.keysign.eu/ and press Start.

If the site gives an error about the KeySign Connector, insert your credentials on the bottom of the page and submit your results.

Cause detection - JSON

Issue descriptionDetection in JSONFix
  • The KeySign Connector API is not loaded
  • The KeySign Connector is not installed

When opening the submitted JSON file, the first lines will look like this:

JSON with API problems
"code": "112999",
"description": "Failed to contact the Trust1Connector API",

An example of a complete JSON with this problem can be found here:


Try to install the latest version of the KeySign Connector, with deinstallation of the KeySign Connector folder of previous version(s).

The How-to can be found here

The KeySign Connector Sandbox is not loaded

The customer will get the following screen when testing the KeySign Connector:

When opening the JSON file, the first lines will look like this:

JSON with sandbox issues
"c_v3_readers_error": {
	"code": "712998",
	"description": "Could not contact the sandbox after 5 retries"

An example of a complete JSON with this problem can be found here:


Try to install the latest version of the KeySign Connector, with deinstallation of the KeySign Connector folder of previous version(s).

The How-to can be found here


Reinstalling the KeySign Connector