In this release the MediaHaven team resolved about 200 issues. This includes new features, improvements and general bug fixes but excludes all operational and support requests that were resolved during Q2 of 2017. Below we provide a general overview of the new features and improvements in the MediaHaven platform.
General changes:
- To increase security and end user password safety, MediaHaven will use a new password hashing algorithm: bcrypt. End users will not notice this change as their password will be hashed with the new algorithm when they first login to the new MediaHaven version.
- A number of performance improvements in both transcoder and pretranscoder services were introduced
- In a multi tenant setup export locations can be shared with all users regardless of their organisation
- The welcome collection can no longer be deleted
- To publish assets users will need the "Publish Assets" user function. This enables organisations to create users without the ability to publish assets.
Website changes:
New HTML5 player with annotation functions
We introduce a new HTML5 player with the same annotation functions as the existing java player.
Frame by Frame navigation
Mark in and out points of fragments
Create new fragment
Download partials and fragments
Edit Metadata
Title, keywords and description can be edited
Delete fragments
Minor changes:
- The language of a subscription e-mail is now dependent on the users default language
- Multi page documents can be embedded or a link to it can be shared. User will be able to browse through the different pages.
- If an additional metadata field contains a URL it will be shown as a clickable link in the website.
- The "rights" field was turned into a default field and will be shown in the detail view of an asset
Changes in the management module:
Edit time in date control
It is now possible to configure the datetime control to also include the time:
The option can be configured in the administration module by selecting the show time option for a date picker control:
Minor changes:
- The keywords and Categories control will show the assigned values in alphabetical order
- When selecting categories in the categories browser it is now possible to return to the previous level. Suggestions and autocomplete values will be reloaded.
Data Model:
- The metadata model has been extended with more fields definitions: Metadata 17.3
- These additional fields can be in Profiles
- These additional fields are added to the metadata exposed in OAI-PMH and in the exported sidecar files: External Metadata Advanced 17.3
Monitoring module:
- In the files tab more fields about a file can be shown
- Load time of the Transcoding:jobs view has been improved
- The amount of records that can be exported in CSV format is now unlimited
Tape server
- Automatically blacklisting only happened if a read or write job to a tape fails after it has been loaded into the drive. Extend the blacklisting for the case when a load of a tape into a drive fails.
- Read files from tape in true LTFS order