Level 1 | Level 2 | Comment | Example | Since |
no specialisation | Contains a string value with less than 32K characters. |
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| Contains a boolean value. In MediaHaven 1.0 web site and the old External Metadata [deprecated] this shown as either "0" or "1". |
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| Contains a string value. The value is limited to a specific set of values defined on the field definition. |
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| Contains a timecode in ISO timecode format, e.g. "00:25:12.840" |
| ||
| Contains a long value, e.g. "5845988" |
| ||
| Contains a long value with up 10 zeroes prepadded, e.g. "0000000025" making it lexicographically sortable. |
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| Contains a full ISO8601 date in microsecond precision and Zulu time. The machine specification of the format is |
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| Contains a string value of any length or when the value is tokenized. |
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| Contains a valid EDTF date (level 0, 1) adhering to the EDTF standard. See EDTF Field for additional information. |
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| Contains the URI under a https://mediahaven.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CS/pages/2988474369 |
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| Contains a label under a Thesaurus Field |
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| Content must be a valid |