This feature is currently in the proof-of-concept phase
Our strategy is to make the customer’s data more alive by offering insights into their data. For example, offer a summary of a document, a list of named entities, and a sentiment analysis. The Consono case, which offers a wide range of analyses, fits in this case. Additionally, we want these insights to be integrated into the front end, specifically in the context of a single object.
To realize this, we will create a new category of connectors called “Insight”. In the sketch below there are two flows
In the ingest workflow, that requests the insights connector to analyze the object and (a)synchronously waits for the analysis to complete (drawn as the steps A-B-C-D)
The end user that requests and receives insights into their document (drawn as the steps 1-2-…-6)
API Contract
The connector of type insights will have to implement the following methods
Method | Goal | Input | Output |
| Prepare the analysis during the ingest because it can take minutes to complete |
| None |
| Provide an overview of the available insights into the object, such that these can be combined over multiple insight connectors |
| Provide the data of a specific insight, such that the front-end can render it, possibly with the aid of a Javascript library |