Semantic search using Open AI (POC)

Semantic search using Open AI (POC)

This optional module is part of release 24.4 and is still in the proof-of-concept (POC) stage.


Semantic search is a search engine technology that interprets the meaning of words and phrases. The results of a semantic search will return content matching the meaning of a query, as opposed to content that matches words in the query. See https://mediahaven.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CS/pages/4586110979for details.


This feature will be automatically activated for the tertiary organisation on integration environments

The configuration of the Open AI API key is required for the correct operation

  1. Create the following field definitions

    1. MapField named Dynamic.EmbeddingsPoc

    2. VectorField named Dynamic.EmbeddingsPoc.OpenAI with dimensions = 1536 and index = true

    3. Publish them

  2. Enable the module SEMANTIC_SEARCH_OPEN_AI_POC for the customer’s organisation. See the REST document for information on how to do that.

  3. Obtain the Open AI API key for this environment. The development Open AI API key is stored in LastPass.

  4. Update the plugin SEMANTIC_SEARCH_OPEN_AI_POC for the property Secret with the above Open AI API key. See Postman “Update secret for plugin”




  • Only works on newly ingested objects after the activation has been fully completed


The search API got a new parameter sq which allows you to provide the semantic query. See the REST documentation for further information.

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