Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Batch exports are Batches that join each record the filter returns into a merged file, for example, a CSV file. The merged file is then ingested as a new record of record type Export and is automatically exported for the user that created the batch. The user then sees the merged file in their downloads in the front end.

CSV Export

The merged file is in this case a CSV file. The following options are present


The contents of the merged file are determined by the chosen format and the profile of the category “Export” which provides what metadata fields are part of the merged file.


To create a batch export the following rules apply





  • A valid link to one of the Profiles of the category “Export”

  • The separator between rows: fixed at \n

  • The separator between columns: fixed at ;

  • The separator inside columns: fixed at ,


The columns in the CSV export are determined by the order in which the Field Definitions appear in the associated profile. For certain Metadata Field Types as described in the next section, there are multiple corresponding columns.

Column formatting

The values are determined by the Metadata Field Types of the columns






Example columns


Example value


Simple Fields


Single column




Hello world




Single column who value is the concatenation of the values using another delimeter




Alice, Bob, Cedric




Multiple columns, one for each sub-field whose value is the concatenation of its subvalues delimiter


  • Descriptive.Authors.Author

  • Descriptive.Authors.Photographer


  • Alice

  • Bob, Cedric




Multiple columns, one for each sub-field



  • Head

  • xyz

  • 32


Other Complex Fields


Single column with as value the JSON representation of the field


  • Internal.Browses



Business Logic


For now, there is only 1 format, namely Batch CSV Exports.


The merged files ingested as records are automatically logically deleted after 2 weeks.
