Batch Exports

This feature is part of release 24.1


Batch exports are that join each record the filter returns into a merged file, for example, a CSV file. The merged file is then ingested as a new record of record type Export and is automatically exported for the user that created the batch. The user then sees the merged file in their downloads in the front end. The contents of the merged file are determined by the chosen format and the profile of the category “Export” which provides what metadata fields are part of the merged file.


To create a batch export the following rules apply

  • A valid link to one of the of the category “Export”

  • The user must have export rights →

  • The user must be a member of at least one group of their organisation

Business Logic

  • When the batch is complete a new record of record type Export is created

    • Permissions for this record are the read, write and export rights for all internal groups of the user that created the batch

      • See

      • See

    • The record type Export has as the information package the value Cip and it hence not visible in the front end in the “all objects” view


For now, there is only 1 format, namely .


The merged files ingested as records are automatically logically deleted after 2 weeks.