Metadata 17.3

MediaHaven has a wide variety of metadata fields. This table list various information about these fields

  • Changes versus Metadata 17.1:
    • Renamed family Standard Fields to family Descriptive Fields
    • Renamed family Read-Only Fields to family Administrative Fields: this family provides information to help manage a resource, such as when and how it was ingested, file type
    • The administrative fields are now also exposed in the export sidecar metadata under the tag Administrative
    • New administrative field Workflow: describes through which workflow a file was ingested (if applicable)
    • New administrative field IngestTape: describes on which ingest tape the file was provided (if applicable)
    • New technical field OriginalFilename (same meaning as before but now in the correct family Technical)
    • New family Structural Fields which describe the ensembles the file belongs to and the related files
    • New internal field DeparmentId: uuid of the department the file was published with, the administrative field DepartmentName provides the human readable name.
    • Newly exposed internal fields HasKeyframes, IsFragment and ContainsGeoData
    • The search keys have been renamed for:
      • Keywords: MediaObjectFragmentKeyword → MediaObjectFragmentKeywordsKeyword
      • Categories: MediaObjectFragmentcategory → MediaObjectFragmentCategoriesCategory


  • Profile: If you fill this value out in a MediaHaven Profile this metadata will appear in the user interface
  • Search / Searchable / Sortable: In the MediaHaven REST API you can search for it using this value if it is searchable and optionally sort the results (sortable).
  • Read-only: This field cannot be modified in the user interface or API calls

Descriptive Fields

ProfileDescriptionFormatSearchSidecar (xpath)Read-onlySearchableSortable
TitleThe title of the file
DescriptionDescription about the file
CreationDateThe date and time the file was originally createdEXIFMediaObjectFragmentCreationDateMDProperties/CreationDate
Rights_OwnerThe name of the (copyright) owner of the file

KeywordsSeries of keywords about the fileMultiItemMediaObjectFragmentKeywordsKeyword (individual value)keywords/keyword
CategoriesSeries of categories about the fileMultiItemMediaObjectFragmentCategoriescategory (individual value)MDProperties/categories/category

PublisherPublisher of the file

Administrative Fields

ProfileDescriptionFormatSearchSidecar (xpath)Read-onlySearchableSortable
OrganisationNameThe name of the organisation to which the file belongs
LastModifiedDateThe date and time when the file was last editedISO-8601MediaObjectFragmentLastModifiedTimeAdministrative/LastModifiedDate(tick)(tick)(tick)


The ID of the file in an external platform. This field is only for advanced installations.
ExpiryDateThe date the file will expire (at this date the file will be assigned new rights). This field is only for advanced installations
ArchiveDateThe date and time the file was ingestedEXIFMediaObjectArchiveDateAdministrative/ArchiveDate(tick)(tick)(tick)
UploadedByThe name of the user that uploaded the file

TypeThe type of the file (e.g. video, audio, etc)

Image, Layer,
Document, Page,
VIdeo, VideoFragment,
Audio, AudioFragment,
Collection, Set, NewsPaper,
NewsPaperPage, MetadataOnly

DepartmentNameThe name of the department that published the file
WorkflowDescribes through which workflow a file was ingested (if applicable)
IngestTapeDescribes on which ingest tape the file was provided (if applicable)

Technical Fields

Profile / Sidecar

DescriptionFormatSearchSidecar (xpath)Read-onlySearchableSortable
OriginalFilename The name of the file as it was ingested into MediaHaven
FileSizeThe size of the file in bytes
MediaObjectFileSizeTechnical/FileSize(tick)(tick)(warning) yes, but lexicographically
Md5The MD5 checksum of the file
MimeTypeThe mime type of the file, e.g. image/jpg
WidthThe width of the filepixelsImageWidthTechnical/Width(tick)(tick)(warning) yes, but lexicographically
HeightThe height of the filepixelsImageHeightTechnical/Height(tick)(tick)(warning) yes, but lexicographically
ImageSizeWidth times height, e.g 1920x1080pixels times pixelsImageSizeTechnical/ImageSize(tick)(tick)
VideoTechnicalDescription of the video codec in the media file
AudioTechnicalDescription of the audio codec in the media file
VideoFormatThe format of the video (e.g. IMX 30i SD, XDCAMHD)
DurationTimeCodeThe duration of the media fileHH:mm:ss.SSSMediaObjectDurationTimeCodeTechnical/DurationTimeCode(tick)

StartTimeCodeThe start time of the media fileHH:mm:ss.SSS

EndTimeCodeThe end time of the media fileHH:mm:ss.SSS

FragmentDurationTimeCodeThe duration of the a fragmentHH:mm:ss.SSS

FragmentStartTimeCodeThe start time of a fragment, relative to the start of the media fileHH:mm:ss.SSS

FragmentEndTimeCodeThe end time of a fragment, relative to the start of the media fileHH:mm:ss.SSS

FragmentStartFramesThe start time of a fragment, expressed in frames against a fictitious 25 frames per secondintegerMediaObjectFragmentStartTechnical/FragmentStartFrames
FragmentEndFramesThe end time of a fragment, expressed in frames against a fictitious 25 frames per secondintegerMediaObjectFragmentEndTechnical/FragmentEndFrames

FragmentDurationFramesThe duration of a fragment, expressed in frames against a fictitious 25 frames per secondintegerMediaObjectFragmentDurationTechnical/FragmentDurationFrames(tick)

Internal Fields

Profile / SidecarDescriptionRemarkSearchSidecar (xpath)Read-onlySearchableSortable


The unique identifier of the file64 charactersMediaObjectIdInternal/MediaObjectId(tick)


The unique identifier of the fragments of the file96 charactersMediaObjectFragmentIdInternal/FragmentId(tick)(tick)
  • If the value is 1016 the file is processed
  • If the value is < 1016, the file is being processed

ArchiveStatusThe possible values are documented here: Ingest Monitoring
OrganisationIdThe ID of the organisation to which the file belongs to. The administrative field OrganisationName provides the human readable name.
IngestSpaceIdThe ID of the ingest space the file belongs or belonged toUUIDMediaObjectFragmentingestspacenameInternal/IngestSpaceId(tick)(tick)
IsInIngestSpaceWhether the file still belongs to an ingest space0 or 1MediaObjectFragmentisiningestspaceInternal/IsInIngestSpace(tick)(tick)
DepartmentIduuid of the department the file was published with, the administrative field DepartmentName provides the human readable name.UUIDMediaObjectDepartmentIdInternal/DepartmentId(tick)(tick)
IsFragmentIndicates whether or not the file is the main fragment or non-main fragment (i.e. page of a document, videofragment of a video)0 or 1MediaObjectFragmentisfragmentInternal/IsFragment(tick)

HasKeyframesIndicates whether or not the the file has a series of keyframes (applicable to document, multi-page images, video and audio)0 or 1MediaObjectHasKeyframesInternal/HasKeyframes(tick)

ContainsGeoDataIndicates whether or not the file has geolocation data associated to it0 or 1MediaObjectFragmentContainsGeoDataInternal/ContainsGeoData(tick)(tick)

Structural Fields

ProfileDescriptionRemarkSearchSidecar (xpath)Read-onlySearchableSortable
CollectionsSeries of collections the file belongs toMultivaluedCollectionStructural/Collections(tick)(tick)
SetsSeries of sets the file belongs toMultivaluedSetStructural/Sets(tick)(tick)
NewspapersSeries of newspaper the file belongs toMultivaluedNewspaperStructural/Newspapers(tick)(tick)
RelationsSeries of files related with this file