MediaHaven statuses
| New | Processing | Draft.Invalid | Draft.Valid | Submitted | Published | Rejected |
Record |
Mh2Collection |
UserSuggestion |
ThesaurusSuggestion |
Classification |
Selection |
Sip |
Representation |
Newspaper |
NewspaperPage |
Media |
Visible in MediaHaven 2.0. | Visible as task in MediaHaven 2.0. | Visible for advanced MediaHaven 2.0 usage. |
Record → Files uploaded via MediaHaven 1.0 and 2.0.
New: Legacy MediaHaven 1.0 status.
Processing: Record has been created and is being processed by the system.
Submitted: Record has been submitted and has to be evaluated.
Draft.Invalid: Record has metadata that is not compliant with the predefined classification.
Published: Record is published.
Draft.Valid: Record has valid metadata and has the option to be published.
Rejected: Record was rejected during ingest (virus scan detected virus, …) or record was rejected after being submitted.
Mh2Collection → Metadata only object that has information about a collection.
Draft.Valid: Collection has valid metadata and has the option to be published.
Draft.Invalid: Collection has metadata that is not compliant with the predefined classification.
Published: Collection is published.
Submitted: Collection has been submitted and has to be evaluated.
Rejected: Collection was rejected was rejected after being submitted.
UserSuggestion → User registrations which can be approved by information managers.
Submitted: User suggestion has been submitted to information manager.
Rejected: User suggestion has been rejected and thus user was not created.
Publised: User suggestion has been accepted and thus user has been created.
ThesaurusSuggestion → Suggestions as concepts for the thesaurus which can be approved by information managers.
Submitted: Suggestion has been submitted for evaluation by information manager.
Processing: Suggestion is being applied to thesaurus.
Rejected: Suggestion was rejected and thus not applied to thesaurus.
Published: Suggestion has been applied to thesaurus.
Classification → Metadata only object that has information about the metadata model of underlying records.
The record status of this object has no importance
Selection → Personal selection object which is persisted over time.
Published: Always published by design.
Sip → Records for submission and ingest / Single ingest processes.
New: Created and not yet validated
Processing: Being processed by the system (validation, …)
Rejected: Rejected because failed validation.
Published: Accepted by system als valid and auto published.
Desired status: Published
Representation → An object that represents a data object in several forms.
New: Created and not yet validated.
Processing: Being processed by the system (validation, …)
Submitted : Validation complete, ready for auto publish by system.
Published: Accepted by system als valid and auto published.
Rejected: Rejected because failed validation.
Desired status: Published
New: Created and not yet validated.
Processing: Being processed by the system (validation, …)
Submitted : Validation complete, ready for auto publish by system.
Published: Accepted by system als valid and auto published.
Rejected: Rejected because failed validation.
Desired status: Published
New: Created and not yet validated.
Processing: Being processed by the system (validation, …)
Submitted : Validation complete, ready for auto publish by system.
Published: Accepted by system als valid and auto published.
Rejected: Rejected because failed validation.
Desired status: Published
Media → Has a number of representations objects as direct children.
New: Created and not yet validated.
Processing: Being processed by the system (validation, …)
Submitted : Validation complete, ready for auto publish by system.
Published: Accepted by system als valid and auto published.
Rejected: Rejected because failed validation.
Desired status: Published