Adobe Indesign

Adobe Indesign

What is this plugin about:

With the Adobe InDesign plugin the InDesign user can use assets directly from MediaHaven in his InDesign project. The installation of this plugin is described in detail in Adobe CC: Installation.

After the installation of the plugin the user can connect to his MediaHaven installation. More informatie about obtaining the plugin can be found here: https://zeticon.mediahaven.com/adobe/

After the plug has been installed the user will see a popup when opening InDesign. Without a valid licence key the plugin the plugin has only limited use. If you purchased a licence key please fill it when your first start adobe after installing the plugin.

Connecting the plugin to your MediaHaven installation:

Open the MediaHaven pane windows and select the settings page:

Enter your username, password and path. The path is your MediaHaven url. The /mediahaven-rest-api/ will be added automatically.
When saving the user will receive a green popup when the connection is ok:

Enable the links settings for the MediaHaven DAM plugin:

To be able to switch between low and high resolution and seeing the available versions you must enable the following.

Choose Window - Links:

Now choose the panel settings button:

Select the Panel options button:

Scroll all the way down and tick the boxes MediaHavn and MediaHaven versions. 

You're all set to start using the plugin.

Using the plugin:

In case the MediaHaven is not yet visible please open it using the Menu:

Using the plugin the InDesign user can search assets like he would do on the MediaHaven webportal.
Using the button "Refine search" all facets and search possibilities can be used:

Hiding the search will reveal all your search results in a certain view that you can choose using the designated buttons: list, thumbnail or fullscreen view.

Simply drag the image you wish to use and drop it like you would add any image in InDesign.
The plugin will automatically select the low resolution file to keep everything working fast and your indesign file small.

Once your InDesign presentation is ready or during the creation you can switch your assets to high resolution to package your presentation.
To switch between high and low res doubleclick the buttons in the link panel:

For reference:

 Low resolution

High resolution

If an asset has different version you can double click the blue circle icon in the links window:

Thank you for reading this short howto. If you have any further questions please contact our support at support@zeticon.com