

This feature is part of release 24.1


When the metadata changes for a record one of our supported Events is generated. The most common case concerns events of type UPDATE or UPDATE.<SUBTYPE>. MediaHaven calculates the changes in the metadata and persists those changes as property of the event.


The change in metadata of a record is modelled as a list of changes to its Metadata Fields. Each change to a metadata field contains as a property the value before and after. Because the calculation of the difference is intrinsically linked with the https://mediahaven.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CS/pages/2656043129, the same rule applies, namely that the change is calculated per top field and concerns the complete field. For example when adding a keyword “C” to a record with existing keywords “A, B”, the value before is “A, B” and the value after is “A, B, C”.


The difference is outputted in the following contexts

  1. Visible in the front-ends MediaHaven 2.0 and https://mediahaven.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CS/pages/64258058

  2. The MediaHaven REST API endpoint events

  3. The OAI PMH API with format “mets-mhs-head”

  4. When exporting a record with the combine option ZipTree with metadata format MetsMhsTreeHead or requesting it with metadata in the format MetsMhsHead

  5. When requesting Webhooks using the format XmlPremisV3

JSON (output example)

{ "Difference": [ { "DottedKey": "Descriptive.Keywords", "ValueBefore": { "Keyword": [ "Beekje", "Leopoldskanaal" ] }, "ValueAfter": { "Keyword": [ "Beekje", "Leopoldskanaal", "Krekenroute" ] } }, { "DottedKey": "Internal.ArchiveStatus", "ValueBefore": "in_progress", "ValueAfter": "on_disk"} ] }

XML (output example)

<premis:eventDetailInformation> <premis:eventDetail>on_disk</premis:eventDetail> <premis:eventDetailExtension> <mhs:Difference xmlns:mhs="https://zeticon.mediahaven.com/metadata/24.1/mhs/"> <mhs:MetadataFieldChange> <mhs:DottedKey>Descriptive.Keywords</mhs:DottedKey> <mhs:ValueBefore> <mh:Keyword>Beekje</mh:Keyword> <mh:Keyword>Leopoldskanaal</mh:Keyword> </mhs:ValueBefore> <mhs:ValueAfter> <mh:Keyword>Beekje</mh:Keyword> <mh:Keyword>Leopoldskanaal</mh:Keyword> <mh:Keyword>Krekenroute</mh:Keyword> </mhs:ValueAfter> </mhs:MetadataFieldChange> <mhs:MetadataFieldChange> <mhs:DottedKey>Internal.ArchiveStatus</mhs:DottedKey> <mhs:ValueBefore>in_progress</mhs:ValueBefore> <mhs:ValueAfter>on_disk</mhs:ValueAfter> </mhs:MetadataFieldChange> </mhs:Difference> </premis:eventDetailExtension> </premis:eventDetailInformation>



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