Release notes version 23.3 - DigiHaven

Release notes version 23.3 - DigiHaven

Zeticon is proud to present version 23.3 of the DigiHaven platform, including the serieregister application, e-depot application and the analogue depot management module. Please read more info about the new functionalities, improvements and fixed bugs below.



In cooperation with our customers, we keep enhancing our products. We’ve continued the development of following functionalities:

Dossiers are no longer completely rejected when a virus is detected or file format is unknown or not allowed

The processing of approved dossiers and documents has been reworked so that a complete dossier is no longer rejected because of a virus in an underlying document or an unknown or unauthorised file format. From now on, only the document itself will be rejected.

Stability and performance of the system

Behind the scenes, our team has been working on many steps towards zero downtime deployments. In the future, this will ensure that there is less to no downtime during an upgrade. Some steps were already done in the previous release but we continued this work in this release.

The full documentation can be found here: DigiHaven: serieregister & e-depot


As with every release, we have made some improvements based on feedback from our end users. You can consult them below.

  • E-depot The ingest of orphaned documents now has the same priority as normal ingest.

Bug fixes

  • [Serieregister] The values in the fiters were tokenized when a value contained special characters. This is no longer the case so the value is displayed as one value.

  • [E-depot] We have fix a bug so that analogue dossiers with a specific information classification and security groups can be requested again in the depot.

  • [Serieregister] Printing the detailpage of a serie is possible again.


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