Ingest 2.0 Configuration

From version 24.3 the configuration is possible via the API


The following offers an overview of configuring how ingested items are transformed from their original representation into one or more access representations.








Pronom ID, Allowed, Forbidden, …

  • Into which format with a particular width, height, dpi, bit rate etc to transform an original representation

  • For example, transformation into JPG (fmt/42) using 2000x2000 pixels

Transformation ID, Target Pronom ID, Extension, Width, Height, Dpi, Bitrate, etc

Storage Selection

The on which to store the representations are determined by


Storage pool selection (cascade, first matching rule applies)


Storage pool selection (cascade, first matching rule applies)


  • Explicitly provided to the process media_tiered_ingest

  • Based on the setting ingest_default_mob_cluster_groups


Error handling

Access representation failure policy

The organisation setting failed_access_representation_policy determines what happens when a transformation fails to generate an access representation.

There are two options:

  • SKIP

    • The default option

    • The Internal.BrowseStatus field of the data record and original representation will be set to failed

    • The access representation itself will be deleted

    • The ingest flow simply continues


    • The Internal.BrowseStatus field of the data record and original representation will be set to failed

    • The Administrative.RecordStatus of the data record, original representation and access representation will be set to Rejected

For DAV the ingest will always behave as if option SKIP is selected.

Rejection policy

The organisation setting ingest_rejection_policy determines when an ingest is rejected.

There are two options:


    • The default option

    • When an ingest happens with multiple children and a child fails, only that child has status Rejected, other objects will continue to be ingested.

    • Administrative.Rejections is filled in for the child Record that has status Rejected.


    • When an ingest happens with multiple children and one child fails, the complete ingest is Rejected.

/rejections endpoints returns the Administrative.Rejections of all children