Export Monitoring

Export Monitoring

The export monitoring offers an overview of the export jobs in MediaHaven for your organisation. The export service has one or more threads that each process one single at job at a time.


Each export job can have one of the following statuses. 






The job has been queued but has not yet been picked up by the export service.


The job has been picked up and is being processed by the export service.


The export job has been successfully completed. In the case of export for download, the item is available for download from the URL. In the case of export to location, the item has been successfully transferred to the location.


The item is not successfully processed. The view LOGS contain the reason for the failure. In addition, the events of the exported item contains an EXPORTED event with outcome NOK and the reason for the failure.


(advanced option) File cannot be transferred to the location because it already exists there. This restriction is disabled in most installations, meaning the file at the location is overwritten if it is already exists.


The Export Monitoring offers 4 views:

  1. QUEUES Export jobs of today

  2. JOBS Overview of all exports

  3. LOGS The error messages generated by FAILED jobs

  4. TAPES (Advanced option) Overview and status of the export tapes.


Overview of the jobs that are WAITING or are IN_PROGRESS and in addition to the recent jobs with status COMPLETED or FAILED in the current day.


Overview of every export job that has been created for your organisation.


Overview of the export jobs that generated an error message. Jobs that appear with status COMPLETED have been restarted by a(n) (MediaHaven) administrator to bring the status from FAILED to COMPLETED.

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