Release notes version 21.3
Zeticon is proud to present version 21.3 of the Mediahaven platform. Please read more info about the new functionalities, improvements and fixed bugs below.
Mediahaven 2.0
In cooperation with our customers, we keep enhancing our MediaHaven 2.0 product. We’ve continued the development of following functionalities:
New statuses for objects in the concept phase
We’ve introduced two new statuses when an object is in the concept phase:
Objects of which not all mandatory metadata fields are filled in, get the status ‘Invalid’.
Objects of which all mandatory metadata fields are filled in, get the status ‘Valid’.
This allows the user to quickly see a distinction between the objects for which metadata is still required and the objects that are ready to publish or submit. To quickly see this distinction, you can use the filter ‘Object status’.
Upload new items to a published collection
It’s now possible to upload new items to a published collection. The items automatically get the same classification as the collection and can be separately described and submitted or published. The collection is not editable as long as there are unpublished items.
Extra functionalities when consulting an object
When you’re consulting the read-only page of an object, the metadata is now clickable. This allows the user to start a new search for all objects with this value in that specific metadata field.
When opening an item in full size, it’s now possible to zoom in and out and rotate the preview.
Download & Share
When navigating to a published object, you have the option to retrieve an embed code. You can easily copy the embed code to your clipboard and paste it wherever you want to use the object.
For all objects, the width and height can be modified when creating the embed code.
For videos and collections, there’s an extra possibility to add an autoplay to the embed code so that the video or slideshow of items in the collections will play automatically.
We’ve modified the functionality ‘Share’ because there was no big difference with the action ‘Download’. Now ‘Sharing’ an object will allow for the user to copy the unique ID of that object to his clipboard. You can easily paste the unique ID wherever you want to share it with colleagues.
Public portal
We’ve introduced a new page on the portal to display all published collections for which the group ‘Public’ has view rights. This page provides the users an overview of all public collections available on this portal.
Our customers can now choose if they want to display a disclaimer on the portal and after logging in to MediaHaven2.0. The text in the disclaimer is configurable just as the link that can be added.
The full documentation of MH2.0 can be found here: [21.3] - Documentatie Mediahaven 2.0
Other functionalities
It is now possible to use an EDTF date field to describe objects with an indeterminate or uncertain date. The users have to select the EDTF type before they can enter the correct value for the date or period.
After feedback from our customers who tested Mediahaven2.0, we’ve introduced some improvements.
When navigating to the URL of your MediaHaven2.0 environment, you’ll be automatically redirected to our Oauth page. You can easily login with your MediaHaven account or any other integrated authorisation.
On the dashboard of MH2.0, we’ve added a link to the import module so that you can easily navigate to all your active and non-active projects.
We’ve introduced the possibility to select multiple filters at once when you want to compose your search.
The actions ‘Create new collection’ and ‘Add to collection’ are now combined into one action. You’re still able to perform both functionalities, only the buttons to start the action are combined into one button.
We’ve skipped the two clicks to go to the page of all published media.
It’s now possible to search on the synonyms of the thesaurus labels.
When adding an item in concept to a published collection, the item in concept is no longer directly published but the user can now add metadata to the item before submitting or publishing.
We have improved our general search bar. By reducing words to their roots (especially for plural, diminutive and verbs), the user will receive better results when searching with a free text term.
For example: Someone has added the keyword ‘Fietsje’ when describing an item. When another user is trying to search for ‘Fiets’, he/she will also find the item that was described with ‘Fietsje’.
Bug fixes
[MH2.0] We’ve fixed a bug so that the profiles in the classification are now displayed in the order that was set at configuration.
[MH2.0] When navigating to an invalid URL, the user will now get a clear error notification.
[MH2.0] When clicking on a notification of an already deleted item, the user will now receive an error message.
[MH2.0] On SaaS, every download link referred to a specific organisation. This is now solved so every download refers to the organisation for which the download is performed.
[MH2.0] The autocomplete on thesaurus concepts now returns results when one character is given.
[MH2.0 - portal] When changing the view mode in the portal and refreshing the page, the view mode is now retained.
[Videoplayer] It’s again possible to edit the Timecode field in the video player (Browser: Firefox)
[MH] FFmpeg transcoding is now correctly done for files with multiple audio tracks.