Release notes version 21.1

Release notes version 21.1

Zeticon is proud to present version 21.1 of the Mediahaven platform. Please read more info about the new functionalities, improvements and fixed bugs below.


Mediahaven 2.0

We have further developed our Mediahaven 2.0 product in which we're redesigning Mediahaven in cooperation with our customers. We’ve continued the development of following functionalities:

  • Classifications

    • Since version 21.1 we support multiple classifications to describe the object in Mediahaven. When uploading an item or creating a collection, the system will ask to which classification you would like to add the items or the collection. More information about the classifications can be found in the documentation.

Our customers will get one basic classification during the upgrade. The basic classification can be modified to suit the needs of our customers and will contain their current specific metadata fields in a separate profile of that classification.

  • Evaluation flow of a collection

    • The evaluation flow has been extended. You can now also evaluate an entire collection. This means a user which has no rights to publish, can now submit a collection with its underlying children. Another user can evaluate the entire collection and publish it or he can decide to reject it for correction. During the correction task, the metadata and the content of the collection can be corrected and submitted again.

  • Introduction of ‘Albums’

    • We’ve introduced a new metadata field called “Album”. In this field, the system uses a metadata tag (the name of the album) to make items belong together to one or multiple folders or albums. The difference with a Mediahaven2.0 collection is that there is no inheritance of metadata and that an item can belong to multiple albums.

  • Support specific user controls

    • We’re now supporting a user control to define a list of values in one field, for example the metadata field ‘Album’. We’ve also improved the multi-select user control which is now a dropdownlist when there are a lot of values.

  • Notifications

    • Notifications provide the user with information about certain objects. They ensure that the user knows what has happened to a particular object, but do not mean that any action is required from the user. The most recent notifications are displayed on the dashboard, but the user can easily read all notifications in a seperate list.

  • Some new features during evaluation

    • The user can now see the previous motivations when evaluating an object. This helps the user to focus on the right things during a second or third evaluation round.

    • Also during the evaluation, the user who is doing the evaluation is now able to directly modify some metadata fields.

  • Automatically generated tags/keywords

    • We’ve developed a proof of concept about automatically generating tags/keywords. For this proof of concept, we’ve chosen to integrate with a partner which is providing the software to generate the tags. In Mediahaven, you’re now able to see those automatically generated tags. You’re also able to accept or reject those automatically generated tags.


The full documentation of MH2.0 can be found here: [21.1] - Documentatie Mediahaven 2.0

Other functionalities

  • From release 21.1 the REST API 2.0 is the new reference. The Mediahaven REST API is self documented and always accessible (https://<Your MediaHaven URL>/mediahaven-rest-api/v2). The differences between v1 and v2 of the REST API can be found here.


  • The right to publish items is now based on a user function.

  • The external links on the dashboard are no longer displayed if the user does not have access to them.

  • We’ve introduced a tasklist on the dashboard. This tasklist is a subset of all the tasks for the role of the user. We only display the most urgent tasks on the dashboard.

  • When scrolling down on the page, the header with bulkactions is fixed at the top of the page.

  • We’ve introduced more consistency between the filters and the advanced search. Functionally there are no chances to these features only the display of an advanced search term has changed. The advanced search is now displayed as a filter.

  • When adding a published item to a collection, the metadata of the collection is now inherited to that specific item as well.

  • In previous versions, when editing a video, the videoplayer showed the authentication form again. In case of a SAML integration, the videoplayer uses the same SSO to authenticate the user. As such, the users does not have to authenticate twice.

  • We’ve introduced some improvements to the toast messages:

    • The processing toast can now be closing so that it doesn’t block actions on the detail page of an item.

    • Toasts of the same type are now combined so that it takes less place on the screen.

  • The export in the activity list can now manually be deleted.

  • Long lists of values for multi- or single select fields are now displayed in a dropdown.

  • We’ve limited the pagesizes to 100 so that the search engine doesn’t go out of memory because of this extremely long search. [Rest API 2.0]

  • We’ve added extra error logging in the monitoring to help diagnose the root cause when the user gets the error message “Requested file does not exist”. [Monitoring]

Bug fixes

Some bugs were fixed in 21.1. These are the most important bug fixes for our customers:

  • [MH2.0] Saving with a single-select in the metadata fields is now correctly supported.

  • [MH2.0] Mandatory field with checkboxes now becomes valid after indicating a value.

  • [MH2.0] When selecting the 'edit' or 'export' permissions, the corresponding groups are now selected under the 'view' permissions. Previously all groups were selected under the 'view' permissions.

  • [MH2.0] A bug was fixed so that the changes in the master detail are now saved and displayed correctly.

  • [MH2.0] The action 'Submit' is now visible after a change has been made in the master detail page.

  • [MH2.0] When deleting the last item in a collection, the application now displays the correct page, i.e. the page to upload items to the collection.

  • [MH2.0] A bug was fixed when entering year 1 in a date field. The system now effectively considers this as year 1 and no longer as 1901.

  • [MH2.0] We’ve fixed the download of the preview of an audio or video object.

  • [MH2.0 & MH1.0] In version 20.3 it was not possible to download a basket or to export anything. We’ve fixed this so that it’s again possible to download and export.

  • [MH1.0] The contentuploader could not display the lastmodifieddate as a date. This is fixed in version 20.4 and version 21.1.

  • [MH1.0] Because of the introduction of DateFields in 20.4, we’ve fixed the date searches in the rest API 1.0 and contentuploader so these keep working.

  • [MH1.0] New active directory users, that have not been logged in before, can log in again.

  • [MH1.0] JPG’s with CMYK have a preview now when viewing those images in the content uploader.


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