Release notes version 22.3

Release notes version 22.3

Zeticon is proud to present version 22.3 of the MediaHaven platform. Please read more info about the new functionalities, improvements and fixed bugs below.

As of this version, the old MediaHaven website is no longer active. From now on, searching and downloading/sharing digital assets should be done via MediaHaven 2.0! The content uploader is still available for uploading and describing assets as well as for managing the settings.


Mediahaven 2.0 features

In cooperation with our customers, we keep enhancing our MediaHaven 2.0 product. We’ve continued the development of following functionalities:

Manage users in the new management application

In addition to MH2.0, we have developed a new web-based application in which all settings can be managed. In this first release of this application, we have worked on the management of users. From now on, you can create new users, change existing users and delete them via the MH2.0 management application. You will see a link to the management application appear on your dashboard in MH2.0 as soon as you have the admin role or one of the management functions. For more information about this application or new features, please read the manual/documentation.

Search in filters and improved guidance in the advanced search

For filters that contain more values than can be displayed (by default 10), you can now search the values for that filter. This allows you to quickly find the value you are looking for or to get an overview of all possible values for that filter.

From now on in the advanced search only the fields from the metadata classification(s) within the MH environment of the organisation are shown. Next to that, you now get a drop-down list of choices when it comes to a metadata field with fixed options defined. For other fields such as authors, you will get an autocomplete after entering a few letters. This optimises the user experience.

Hide pages based on the role of the user

Because certain roles e.g. “viewers” do not have the right to upload assets, you can now make sure that these users do not see the concepts page. Also the other way around, someone who is only allowed to have access to the concepts but not to published media, can from now on be configured in the application by assigning the right userfunctions or not.

Check the history of an asset

You can now follow the history of logs for each asset. This way, every user can quickly see when an asset was last modified or which other (technical) actions were carried out. The history is displayed as an extra tab on the detailpage of an asset.

View the pages of a document in the “Content” tab

In the old MH website, it was possible to access all pages of a document via a "Keyframes" section on the detail page of an asset. This functionality is now also available on MH2.0. On the detail page of a document, you can go to the "Contents" tab which shows all the keyframes or pages of the document. When clicking on a page, it will be enlarged and you can easily navigate to the next/previous pages.

Reset password because you have forgotten it or you want to change it

If you have forgotten your password or want to modify your password, you can click on the link "Forgot password?" from the login page. This will send an e-mail with a link to change the password. After changing your password, you can log in again with the new data.


The full documentation of MH2.0 can be found here: MediaHaven 2.0


As with every release, we have made some improvements based on feedback from our end users. You can consult them below. We have also worked on improving the user experience and speed of the system. In this release, extra attention was paid to bulk publishing of items, saving bulk changes to the metadata and adding items to a collection.

  • We have added some sorting options. From now on you can also sort by title and by the original filename.

  • Clicking on the cover photo of the collection will take you to the content of the collection. When you click on the preview of the video/audio, you will be taken to the details page where the video or audio will be played automatically.

  • The title of the collection to which an item belongs will now be shown on the list view. You can easily click on the title to directly navigate to the content of that collection.

  • Sharing multiple items from different searches with other users within your MediaHaven environment is now available from the selection page.

  • From now on, you can use the arrows (left & right) of your keyboard to navigate to a previous or next result from the detail page or full view.

  • The order in which the metadata fields about the rights are displayed is now the same in the read-only view as it is in the edit view.

  • In future, you will not have to log in again when opening the video player. We have implemented single-sign on for this part of the application.

  • On a subsequent upgrade or whenever the system is put into read-only or read-export-only mode, each user will see a warning message at the top of the MediaHaven website. This message indicates that you temporarily cannot upload, edit and export anything.

Bug fixes

  • [MH2.0] The values in the dropdown of a thesaurus metadata field are now displayed alphabetically.

  • [MH2.0] The selected item remains visible in the grid view when opening the master detailpage of it.

  • [MH2.0] The task “Evaluate” is now closed when publishing a submitted item from the concept page.

  • [MH2.0] The users with the "Manage exports" function have a personal download list again.

  • [MH2.0] The search result page is visible again after setting a cover photo of a collection.

  • [MH2.0] The migration of the old address field to the new position field has been adjusted so that the values in the old address field are now taken over in the new position field so that no errors occur when searching for an address.

  • [Content uploader] The error when opening the upload overview in the content uploader has been resolved.

  • [Content uploader] The error when saving the edits of a user in the content uploader if there is a default zone and classification set through MH2.0 has been resolved.

  • [Videoplayer] The error when changing the thumbnail of a videofragment is solved.


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