Release notes version 24.1

Release notes version 24.1

Zeticon is proud to present version 24.1 of the MediaHaven platform. Please read more info about the new functionalities, improvements and fixed bugs below.

As of the 22.3 release, the old MediaHaven website is no longer active. From now on uploading, searching and downloading/sharing digital assets should be done via MediaHaven 2.0. The content uploader is currently only available for managing the settings.

Please be aware that the content uploader will be no longer available from version 24.2


Mediahaven 2.0 features

In cooperation with our customers, we keep enhancing our MediaHaven 2.0 product. We’ve continued the development of the following functionalities:

Create new object types via the UI

New object types could already be configured and created via the API through a record scheme. From now on, this can also be done via the UI. The 'Upload' button has been given a different interpretation so that from now on you can create any object type, whether it is an intellectual object such as a collection or a data object such as an item (photo, video, document, ...). Based on the settings, these objects (and their children objects) can be submitted or published.

This feature was introduced to use our application not only as a DAM system, but also as a e-depot solution. By creating object types like “Dossier” and “Documents”, you can easily build an e-depot solution.

Object destruction workflow

A number of standard metadata fields have been added that allow you to determine the destruction of objects using a retention period. Upon expiry of that retention period, the object will be offered for destruction. After approval by a content manager, the object's representations will be permanently removed from the system.

The object destruction workflow is a new module which is not automatically activated after the upgrade to this version. If you’re interested in using this module, please contact our support team.

New language introduced: NL-NL

To further expand Zeticon in the Dutch market, we have added the Dutch-Dutch language. This allows certain action buttons and labels to be more focused on the Dutch market. This language can be activated on organisation and user level.

Extension of the history: consulting which metadata has been changed

In the history of an object, you can now consult which metadata have been changed. So you can see which user carried out the update, when this happened and which metadata fields have been changed and what their old and new value is.

The difference in metadata is saved as extra property of the premis events.


The full documentation of MH2.0 can be found here: MediaHaven 2.0


As with every release, we have made some improvements based on feedback from our end users. You can consult them below.

  • Visualization of new fieldtypes In the UI, we now support the visualization of TimerFields and a list of LongFields.

  • E-mail viewer We’ve introduced an EML viewer so that the view representations of emails can be easily viewed in the browser from the MH application.

  • Translations We’ve improved some of our translations.

  • SECURITY We have improved different aspects of the security of our platform.

  • Performance Office documents are now transformed with JodConverter + LibreOffice by default and preview generation of PDF is now via pdfium. These changes improved the ingest performance by an order of magnitude, for example from 40 seconds to 7 seconds.

  • rELATIONS From this version, it is possible to create relations for all objecttypes.

Bug fixes

  • [MH2.0] You can now use the ‘Load more’ functionality multiple times when searching in a filter. This has been fixed for versions 23.4 and 24.1.

  • [MH2.0] The dropdown behind the metadata field ‘Authors’ displayed too many options. This has been fixed in versions 23.3, 23.4 and 24.1.

  • [MH2.0] Changing the language of the user will now again change the language of the filters for thesaurus fields. This functionality was broken.


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